Here are the #TNT tips you may have missed during September 2020. Subscribe so you don’t miss any tips!
How will the Pandemic Affect Holiday Shopping?
The COVID pandemic has forced businesses to focus more on their online presence. The forecast for the 2020 holiday season is no different.
Last year’s shoppers reported that 58% of purchases were made online. This year we can expect up to 75% of purchases will be online. Many people are just not ready to go back into stores. There’s good news for small businesses, though! Two-thirds of people reported that they plan to shop local more this year.
We may be getting back to business, but it’s hardly business as usual. How are you working to build your online presence, so that your audience can find you?
Blog Content that Gets Results
Many people struggle to come up with blog content that resonates with their audience. Here are some tips to help you out.
To get started you need to figure out who your audience is, what their pain points are, and how you solve them. Listen as we give you more tips on creating content that helps your audience and your business.
Do you have a content marketing plan and calendar? Ask us about templates and tools to help you with the process.
Run Paid Events on Facebook
Facebook announced Paid Online Events that allow businesses to charge for live online events or classes.
It looks like it might be a while before in-person events return as an effective business building strategy. As Zoom, LinkedIn, Google and Facebook are all promoting live video as an alternative, Facebook has introduced a new offering to allow you to charge for your events right on the platform.
As we all learn new ways to do business, don’t be afraid to experiment!
Google Ads or Facebook Ads
Google and Facebook are among the most widely used platforms on the internet. If you are going to advertise your product or service, learn which platform is right for you.
Both platforms use an auction to determine when and where your ads are shown. They also offer ad targeting to specific demographics and geographic locations. The differences between the platforms mainly lie with user intent. On Google, ads appear based on specific search terms whereas on Facebook ads appear based on your interests and behaviors .
Have you tried out paid ads on either Google or Facebook? Like most things with digital marketing, a good overall strategy and plan gets you results.
Should You Tag or Mention on Instagram?
Mentioning an account, tagging an account, location tags, and product tags are all referred to as “tags”. So, what’s the difference between them and how should you be using them?
You can mention another account by simply putting the @ symbol with the account name. You can tag an account by tapping on the photo while you’re editing. Location tags link to a specific area and product tags link to items for sale on your shopping website.
Tags are a great way to get your organization found on Instagram. It’s also considered good social media etiquette to give credit where it is due, especially if you’re sharing someone else’s content.