We’ve been talking a lot about the importance of identifying who your ideal client is, and sometimes it makes sense to think about the clients you already have. Which ones do you want more of? Which ones do you want to avoid in the future? It’s okay to imagine who your ideal client is but it’s much better to have real data and to know for sure.
When trying to figure out your ideal audience it’s helpful to look at the customers you already have.
Take Action: Talk To Your Customers
As part of our Take Action series, I invite you to take some simple steps that will help get you better marketing results. Over the next month as you talk to your current and prospective customers, I want you to ask them a couple key questions as part of your conversation, and also to write down and intentionally take notes of the answers. The questions you ask will vary depending upon what business you are in, but in general you want to find out the following information:
- What is their end goal?
- What are they looking for in your product or service? Not just the features, but what do they want the end result to be?
- What’s important to them in your product or service?
- Why are they choosing to work with you?
Ask your customers and prospects what their goal is, what they are looking for in your product or service, and why they chose you. Are there patterns in responses?
Once you have this information compiled, start to look for patterns in what people are saying again and again, and this is what you should start talking about in your content and messaging. Pay attention to the words your customers use. Too often we just naturally use our own technical or industry terms, but that is not how our clients talk about our products and services. Make sure that you are using the language your customers are using.
Pay attention to the words your customers use. Make sure you’re using the same language they are when describing your product or service.
Action takers get results, and small steps add up to big returns. So this week, decide on a couple of questions and work them into the conversations you are having over the next month. Record those answers then go back and evaluate them. Let us know what you find!
Links in this episode: Give Your Customers A Great Experience
Quick Steps To Creating Content That Gets Clients