We’ve mentioned many times before that all the major platforms are prioritizing video content, but what makes a compelling video? The best videos tell a story!
Tell Your Story
Your customer is a hero. Using the hero’s journey framework can work for your videos.
Pay attention to videos that capture your attention. When you’re watching, ask yourself what is useful about this content, and what makes you want to keep watching? I bet you notice there’s some story there.
But how do you use a story in your videos? Think about the classic hero’s journey story. The hero sets out to do something, encounters a problem, finds a solution and is transformed. Isn’t that your customer? And don’t you provide a solution to their problem and offer them some transformation? We are wired to relate to that story, so think about the script for your video in this format.
Don’t overthink your storytelling though. Your stories don’t have to be huge or life changing. There is real value and power in even the smallest stories. Your quick tip can be the answer that someone is looking for.
Keep it Simple
You don’t need expensive equipment. Learn how to use your smartphone camera to capture the story of your business.
Creating valuable video content doesn’t mean you have to go out and buy expensive cameras or equipment. Learn how to use your smartphone camera to capture the story of your business. This can be customers, events, new products, tips, how to’s, success stories, meet the team, but people love video today. Whether you are doing short videos or longer ones, you have to figure out what it is your audience wants to know. Wrapping that in a story will help them remember the information and you.
Monitor Your Results
Don’t overthink it. Small stories can be engaging.
As you create videos, pay attention to the metrics to see what’s working. Look at traffic sources, impressions, and clickthrough rates. If you’re getting impressions, it means people are finding you, and that’s great. If you’re getting impressions, but no views, then it’s because your title and/or thumbnail aren’t compelling. Pay attention to your watch time too – are people sticking with your content to the end?
The bottom line is this, creating videos can seem intimidating at first, but gets easier with practice and a plan. Using storytelling in your video marketing is a good way to give people the experience that they are looking for today. Just start. You’ll get better at it over time and you’ll love the results.
Links in this episode: Making Impactful Videos Using Stories
17 Ways To Use Video To Tell Your Story