You know you should be on social media for your business or nonprofit. You know it can help you drive more new and repeat business for your organization. But, do you know why? Do you know which social media platform will have the biggest bang for your buck? And when you get followers, do you know what to say and how to convert them to customers?
During this workshop, we will answer all of those questions and more!
Join us and make social media easy, and let us help you:
- Determine the platform that’s right for you and your organization
- Announce your presence and build your network
- Create and share content that encourages action
- Understand social media advertising and learn your options
- Convert social media leads into potential customers by growing your email list.
From understanding the different social media platforms, to choosing what to say and where to say it, including email, this seminar will give you the keys to the most effective digital marketing for you.