Here are the #TNT tips you may have missed during September 2016. Subscribe so you don’t miss any tips!
Google is Cracking Down
Google announced they will start penalizing mobile sites with ‘intrusive’ pop ups.
Google has announced that starting in January 2017 pages that provide users with poor mobile experiences will rank lower in search. This primarily effects sites that show intrusive pop-ups, or where the page content is not immediately accessible. Popups that cover a large part of the screen, or an ad that requires you to scroll down before seeing the content the user has requested are examples. Common uses are to request sign up for a mailing list, show an advertisement, or install an app. Most users don’t like them, and in a win for consumers, Google doesn’t either.
Make sure this change won’t affect you by removing any popups that cover the main content area, including all standalone content that a user has to dismiss before accessing the main content.
Field Goals May Get More Difficult
This season the NFL is placing datachips in footballs at select games in order to measure field-goal conversions.
The goal in utilizing these sensors is to determine the prospective impact of shortening the distance between the goal posts. Currently kickers converted 84.5% of their field-goal attempts in 2015, the second-most successful rate in NFL history.
Does this technology mean anything to your business? Maybe not, but football season is here (the topic is timely), and it is about technology (the topic is relevant), which makes it a great example of how to utilize third party content to reach your customers with something interesting that they may have not known about.
Tell Your Story Online
Stories are memorable, and telling stories seems to be a new marketing buzzword.
You might have heard you need to use storytelling when talking about your business and when writing content. But did you know that all great stories use one of a handful of plots? Learn how to apply the six types of stories to your marketing plan.
What stories do you have to tell? Put your values front and center. Allow customers to get to know you better, and know what they can expect when doing business with you.
60+ LinkedIn Profile Tips for Marketers
Want to improve your presence in search results, generate more views, and get more business?
450 million professionals use LinkedIN. Use these actionable tips to stand out from the crowd. Users with complete profiles are 40 times more likely to receive opportunities such as job offers, mentors, or new business.
Take a look at your profile and see if you can implement any of these tips to make a killer first impression.