Links are what originally made the web so powerful, and are still important today. Referencing related content – your own or others – provides your reader with a more valuable experience and can help you in search results.
The Shortcut
The quickest way to add a link with WordPress is to copy the URL you want to add, highlight the text you want to link in your page or post, and then paste the URL (CTL-V). WordPress understands that your intention is to add a link to the highlighted text.
The Details
- Highlight the section of text you want to link.
- Select the chain link
Searching for the Link You Want
- If you’re linking to a page within your site, in the search bar, type the title of the page or post you are referencing.
- Click on the apply button
Opening a Link in a New Window
- The settings wheel gives you the option to open the link in a new tab which is good practice when you are taking someone off your site.
- Click on the apply button
Changing or Removing Link
- If you need to change the link, click on the link
- Select the broken link icon
to remove the link or the edit button
to change the link
Optimize Your Link Text
One very quick tip about your link text and keeping your site accessible to all users. When you create a link on your site, avoid linking text like, “Click Here.” You should avoid generic text that doesn’t describe the purpose of the link. Instead opt for text that indicates your intention such as, “Ways to Build Your Business Online.”
Link text can either read as an exact title of a page and capitalized as such or a description of a page without title capitalizations.
A link has two parts – the URL the link takes you to, and the link title which is the text someone clicks on to get to the link. Here are some recommended and not recommended examples of link text:
Not Recommended:
“Want more info? Read this document.”
“For more information see, Building Your Social Media Presence.”
Not Recommended:
“See “
“See, Don’t Make These Costly Digital Marketing Mistakes “ .
In addition, using keywords in link text is more SEO-friendly for search engines like Google. Using, “Click Here,” just lets Google know that you have a link on your website, but keyword content helps determine search relevance and improves your rank.
Updated June 26, 2024